I can't believe it's actually been a month since the last post! Since then we've been to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving. I don't have quite so many pictures as I thought I had, but if you check out the
latest gallery you can see some of the family at Aunt Emmy's house on Thanksgiving and at my mom's house the Saturday after. Lyla loved hanging out and playing with all of her family. She was glad to finally be able to tell everyone that she's going to be a big sister in June, too.
Back home in Astoria, we got ready for Hannukah as I started frying up 12 pounds of potatoes and onions who were willing to sacrifice themselves to the glory of latkes! We had a smaller Hannukah party this year, but were happy to have a close group of friends come and celebrate the holiday with us. Lyla really liked the potato latkes and seems to have made the bold choice of apple sauce over sour cream.

We've been lighting our Hannukiah (Hannukah menorah) every night and Lyla loves it! As soon as we say, "it's time for the lights!" she points to the menorah and gets ready for me to light them and Erin and I sing the blessings over the candles. Then we sit together and open presents. Lyla likes to hand presents to Mamma and Dadda, regardless of who they belong to and then help open everyone's presents. She's had plenty of presents between her parents, her Mima and her cousin Arlyne.
Lyla also experienced her first big "owie" as she was running around with daddy, she

missed a step and face planted into the dining room floor. Ow! She bounced back remarkably well and actually seemed to enjoy dunking her pacifiers in a bowl of ice water to try and keep the swelling down from her split lip. You might be able to notice the swelled lip in
this picture. Of course, later in the day, she was still quick to play her favorite chase/run away from Daddy game. We happened to have a doctor's appointment for her follow-up flu shot and the doctor checked out her lip and said all would be well soon enough, but she might prefer soft, mushy food for a little while.
That's it for now, but we're heading into Christmas in Wisconsin and the New Year in Astoria, so we'll have more in the New Year! Happy Holidays to all of our friends and family and we hope you have a very happy 2008!